Monday, March 3, 2008

Day 17

Things are still going. No new news to report. Bottom teeth are still sore... and the wire that I've had problems with has popped out several more times.

I fell asleep on the couch last night after dinner and had my top aligner out for FIVE HOURS! Note to self... brush teeth and put aligner in AS SOON AS YOU ARE DONE EATING!!!!


ryssee said...

Found your blog via Universal Hub. Had to check this out. I had braces as a teen. Next time you get 'em adjusted it won't be so long to not be sore. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Also found you through Universal Hub. I am considering getting braces and/or Invisalign (once I finally get my degree - I figure being in my 30s, in college, with braces is just a bit much). Love the info. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I just finished my Invisalign. They work GREAT! They get easier over time. Use an electric toothbrush and running water and all that gunk will come off easier. Wash them when you take them out- rather than letting them dry. Good luck- I got mine through Dr. George Biron in Arlington. Awesome guy.

BFW (Tammy) said...

Thanks for the support! Yeah, this is my first experience w/ braces, so I really have no idea what to expect!

BFW (Tammy) said...

Anonymous - thinking about Invisalign,

I'd be more than happy to give you any info re: going through this process as an "adult" and props to you for completing your degree! I've taken a ton of classes at the Univ. of Phoenix online... but I'm on a hiatus right now. Hey... do the braces now... get everything over and done with all at once!


BFW (Tammy) said...

Anonymous w/ straight teeth,

Glad to hear Invisalign worked for you! I have just the top trays and they've been great so far. I cannot wait to switch to tray two. I have to wait until my next visit b/c I need attachments. Did you have attachments? Just HOW hard is it to remove the tray with the attachments on???
